Jewelry photo Editing

Jewelry retouching is an important platform in the world of photo editing. I can provide you with some guidance on jewelry photo editing. Here are some common techniques and tips you can use to enhance your jewelry photos, Which Fixupasia always gives:


Background removal: Remove the background of your jewelry photos to isolate the product. This can be done using photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop. Use the pen tool or the selection tool to carefully trace around the jewelry and remove the background.


Adjust brightness and contrast: Enhance the overall lighting of your jewelry photo by adjusting the brightness and contrast. This can help bring out the details and make the jewelry stand out. Be careful not to overdo it, as excessive adjustments can lead to loss of detail or unnatural appearance.


Color correction: Adjust the color balance of the image to ensure that the jewelry’s colors look accurate and vibrant. Use tools like levels, curves, or hue/saturation adjustments to fine-tune the colors. Pay attention to the metal tones, gemstone colors, and any reflections or shadows.


Retouching: Inspect the image for any imperfections or blemishes on the jewelry and retouch them. Remove dust, scratches, or fingerprints using the healing brush or clone stamp tool. Be cautious to maintain the natural appearance of the jewelry while removing any distractions.

Sharpening: Apply selective sharpening to enhance the details of the jewelry. Use the Unsharp Mask filter or Smart Sharpen filter in Photoshop to make the edges crisp and clear. Avoid oversharpening, as it can create artifacts and noise.


Resizing and cropping: Resize the image to the desired dimensions, keeping in mind the platform or medium where it will be used. Consider cropping the image to focus on the jewelry and remove any unnecessary elements.


Adding reflections or shadows: To give a more professional and polished look to your jewelry photos, you can add reflections or shadows. This can be done by duplicating the jewelry layer, flipping it vertically for reflections or creating a separate layer for shadows and adjusting the opacity accordingly.


Remember, it’s important to maintain a balance between enhancing the jewelry’s appearance and ensuring the final result looks realistic. Fixupasia online platform provides looks realistic jewelry photo editing Services. 


Please contact us for a free consultation about your request and drop up to 2 images for a FREE TRIAL to check our work quality and pricing.

Get The Best Prices For Jewelry photo Editing

Starts from
$2.00 - $5.00/Per Image

  • Background remove
  • Image retouch (Dust, spot, scratches, lint scuff etc.)
  • Color correction (Correct exposure, highlights, contrast, blacks & whites)
  • Create Shadow
  • Image resizing
Free Trial
Starts from
$6.00 - $15.00/Per Image

  • Background remove
  • Image retouch (Dust, spot, scratches, lint scuff etc.)
  • Color correction (Correct exposure, highlights, contrast, blacks & whites)
  • Create Shadow
  • Image resizing
Free Trial

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