Images resizing Service

When it comes to resizing or cropping images for e-commerce purposes, it’s important to ensure that your product images are visually appealing and optimized for online display. Fixupasia online platform provides shaping and symmetrical job services. 


When resizing or cropping images, Fixupasia Lower follows the tips:

Maintain Aspect Ratio: To avoid distorting the image, it is generally recommended to maintain the aspect ratio. This means that if you resize an image, make sure to lock the aspect ratio or input proportional dimensions to ensure the image doesn’t appear stretched or squashed.


Image Dimensions: Most e-commerce platforms and websites have recommended image dimensions for product photos. Check the guidelines provided by your platform or website to determine the optimal image size. Generally, you want your product images to be large enough to show product details but not excessively large to slow down page load times.


Product Focus: When cropping product images, aim to showcase the product prominently while eliminating unnecessary distractions. Ensure the main product is centered and fills a significant portion of the image. This allows customers to see the product clearly and make informed purchasing decisions.

Consider Image Quality: Resizing or cropping an image can affect its overall quality. When decreasing the size, the image may lose some detail, while increasing the size can lead to pixelation or blurriness. Using high-quality resizing algorithms and techniques can help minimize the impact on image quality.


Composition and Cropping: When cropping an image, consider the composition and focus on the important elements. Ensure that the resulting cropped image has a visually pleasing composition and retains the necessary details.


The choice of resizing or cropping method depends on your specific requirements, the number of images, and the level of control you need over the process. Selecting the appropriate approach will help you achieve the desired results effectively. Fixupasia will give you a nice size gift by following all the above tips.


Please contact us for a free consultation about your request and drop up to 5 images for a FREE TRIAL to check our work quality and pricing.


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$50/100 Image

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$200/500 Image

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$800/2000 Image

  • Images resizing
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