Ecommerce Product Photo Editing Service

Ecommerce Product Photo Editing Service is a service provided by professional image editing companies or freelancers who specialize in enhancing product photos for online stores. These services are designed to make product images more appealing, professional, and visually engaging to potential customers. Fixupasia online platform provides e-commerce Product Photo Editing Services.


Here are some common types of product photo editing services offered:

Background Removal: This involves removing the background of a product image and replacing it with a solid color, transparent background, or a more suitable backdrop. It helps to isolate the product and make it stand out.


Image Retouching: Retouching includes various techniques to enhance the overall appearance of the product image. It may involve adjusting brightness, contrast, color correction, and eliminating imperfections or distractions.


Image Resizing and Cropping: Product images often need to be resized and cropped to fit the requirements of different e-commerce platforms or to create a consistent look throughout a website. This service ensures that product images have the appropriate dimensions and aspect ratios.


Image Optimization for Web: Optimizing product images for web usage is crucial to ensure faster page loading times and improved user experience. This involves compressing the image size without compromising its quality, so it can be quickly loaded on websites or mobile devices.

Adding Shadows and Reflections: Shadows and reflections can add depth and realism to product images. This service involves creating natural-looking shadows or reflections to make the products appear more three-dimensional and visually appealing.

Color Correction: Correcting and enhancing colors can be important for accurately representing the product. This service adjusts color tones, saturation, and white balance to achieve consistent and appealing product images.

Image Masking: Image masking is used to refine the edges of a product image, especially when dealing with complex shapes like jewelry or clothing. It ensures smooth and precise boundaries, resulting in a polished and professional look.


Ghost Mannequin or Neck Joint: For apparel products, the ghost mannequin or neck joint technique is used to create a hollow effect, making it appear as if the product is worn by an invisible mannequin. This helps to showcase the fit and shape of the garment.

When choosing an e-commerce product photo editing service, it’s important to consider the reputation, portfolio, turnaround time, pricing, and customer reviews of the editing service provider. Fixupasia, in this case, does not disappoint, and can undoubtedly meet your needs.

Please contact us for a free consultation about your request and drop up to 5 images for a FREE TRIAL to check our work quality and pricing.

Get The Best Prices For Ecommerce Product Photo Editing Service

Starts from
$1.00 - $3.00/Per Image

  • Background remove
  • Image retouch (Dust, spot, scratches, lint scuff etc.)
  • Create Shadow
  • Image resizing
  • Color correction
Free Trial
Starts from
$4.00 - $10.00/Per Image

  • Background remove
  • Image retouch (Dust, spot, scratches, lint scuff etc.)
  • Create Shadow
  • Image resizing
  • Color correction (Correct exposure, highlights, contrast, blacks & whites)
Free Trial

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