Color Correction

Color correction service is one of the popular photo editing services in the photo industry. If your pictures are underexposed, the white balance is incorrect, or the color saturation must be changed, Fixupasia graphic designers can make the necessary adjustments in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom. Color Correction Service is mostly given by professionals. You need a vast knowledge of Photoshop if you want to do color correction. Color adjustment technique is applied to every photograph. It is mostly taken by photographers, studios, and e-commerce companies. 

Color correction service is always there to help you. Color editing does not only emphasizes adjusting the color, But it also emphasizes brightness, contrast, color enhancement, exposure adjustment, saturation adjustment, sharpness correction, filter adding, color level adjustment, and many other things. 

Here are some commonly used techniques in color correction:

White balance adjustment: Correcting the white balance ensures that neutral colors appear neutral in the image. This adjustment removes any unwanted color casts caused by different lighting conditions.

Exposure adjustment: Adjusting the exposure helps to correct overexposed (too bright) or underexposed (too dark) areas in an image or video. It brings out details in shadows and highlights, improving the overall tonal range.

Color grading: Color grading involves manipulating the colors and tones in an image to achieve a specific look or mood. It can be used to create a consistent visual style, enhance certain colors, or even emulate a particular film stock or aesthetic.


Contrast and saturation adjustment: Tweaking the contrast and saturation levels can improve the overall vibrancy and impact of an image. This step helps to ensure that colors are visually appealing and appropriately balanced.


Selective color correction: Sometimes, specific colors or areas in an image may need individual attention. The selective color correction allows you to adjust the hue, saturation, and luminosity of particular color ranges without affecting the rest of the image.


It’s important to note that color correction is a subjective process, and the desired outcome can vary depending on the creative intent or requirements of the project. Professionals in the field often rely on their artistic vision and expertise to achieve the desired results. Fixupasia online platform provides color and pattern change services.


Please contact us for a free consultation about your request and drop up to 2 images for a FREE TRIAL to check our work quality and pricing.

Get The Best Prices For Color Correction

Starts from
$0.50 - $1.00/Per Image

  • Easy color correction
Free Trial
Starts from
$2.00 - $5.00/Per Image

  • Color adjustment
  • Correct exposure, highlights, contrast, blacks & whites
  • Background remove
  • Create shadow
  • Image retouch
Free Trial
Starts from
$6.00 - $10.00/Per Image

  • Color adjustment
  • adjust brightness, white balance, filters, contrast, tone, saturation, highlights and the shadows of a photo to achieve a striking and refreshing finish.
  • Background remove
  • Image retouch
  • Create shadow
  • Create shadow
Free Trial

Review Of Color Correction

  • Melanie Judd
    Color Correction
    Very efficient and easy to work Fixupasia. The quality of work was also amazing, I'll definitely be using them again. Thank you.

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