Clipping path & Multi path Service

Clipping path and Multi-path services are image editing techniques used to isolate objects or subjects from their backgrounds in an image. They are commonly employed in various industries such as e-commerce, photography, advertising, and graphic design.

Clipping Path: A clipping path is a closed vector path or shape that is used to cut out a specific portion of an image, typically to remove the background or separate an object from its surroundings. This technique is commonly applied to images with sharp and well-defined edges, such as products or objects with simple shapes. The resulting image can then be placed on a different background or integrated into a design seamlessly.

Multi-Path: Multi-path, also known as multiple clipping paths or color paths, is an advanced version of the clipping path technique. It involves creating multiple paths or shapes within an image to isolate different elements or areas with varying levels of complexity. This technique is often used when the image contains multiple objects or when different parts of an object require separate editing or manipulation. For example, in a fashion photograph, a multi-path may be used to separate

 the model, clothing, accessories, and other elements for individual editing or color correction.


Both clipping path and multi-path services require skilled graphic designers or image editing professionals who use specialized software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create precise paths or shapes. These techniques allow for accurate and detailed object isolation, enabling further editing, retouching, or customization as per the specific requirements of the client.


Fixupasia offering clipping path and multi-path services cater to clients who need high-quality images for their websites, catalogs, advertisements, or any visual materials. By separating objects from their backgrounds, these services help enhance the overall appearance and visual appeal of the images, making them more versatile and suitable for various applications.


Please contact us for a free consultation about your request and drop up to 2 images for a FREE TRIAL to check our work quality and pricing.

Get The Best Prices For Clipping path & Multi path Service

Clipping path
Starts from
$0.25 - $5.00/Per Image

  • Clipping path by pen tool
Free Trial
Multipath or multi layer
Starts from
$2.25 - $10.00/Per Image

  • Clipping path by pen tool
  • Multipath
  • Multi layer selection
Free Trial

Review Of Clipping path & Multi path Service

  • Melanie Judd
    Clipping path & Multi path Service
    The project was cleaning robot cutouts and multipath. The Fixupasia designer responded fastly, he was proactive meanwhile the whole process and delivered the final result in detailed quality, as I needed. I am satisfied with his work and I am definitely getting back to him with further projects.

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